Senin, 16 September 2019

Introduction to Other

Assalamualaikum. Wr.Wb.

Hallo everybody... today I give you the material about How to introduce ourself to other. Here is the material guys... check this out!

After learning the material, it's time for you to have the task!
Please do it in your text book and submit it to me in my desk as soon as possible..
1. What is the first thing to do when you introduce someone?
2. Why do people need to introduce each other?
3. What kind of information should you tell in introduction?
4. Should you tell your problems with someone else in your introduction? Why?

Chapter 2 - We can do it! We will do it! - English For Eight

 Assalamualaikum my students. Come back again with me in English Online Class. After reading your reflection about Chapter One, I make the s...