Jumat, 24 Juli 2020

Evaluation For Chapter 1 - Giving Opinion

Assalamualaikum my beloved students every where... Today we still learn from home because COVID-19 is already exis. I pray for you to always heath and good condition.

Well students, before we do our online class today let's say Bismillah together..
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Okay students, last week all of you have done to did the Quiz. Congratulation if you get a good score. If you get a bed score, don't worry .. here I will give you the right answer and some descriptio about that.
Okay, let's begin!

 Do you have any problem with the Quiz? If you have the question about that, please write your question the Comment Box bellow. Give your Name and Class.

Before you leave this blog, please do the reflection form bellow!!
Form Refleksi Belajar Siswa

Don't forget, next week we will learn for the next Chapter. You can read it first by click the link below:
E-Book English For Eight

And here is your printable report for your last Quiz:
Raport Quiz 1 All Students

Thank you for your participation today. Keep stay safe to stay at home. See you next time.
Let's say Alhamdulillah together.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Senin, 20 Juli 2020

How to add praise when congratulate other

Hallo students, how are you today? Hopfully all of you in the good condition and healthy. Today we still learn from home, so you have to keep healthy, take a bath, and eat the healty food.

Before we start our lesson today lets say Basmallah together.
بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Students, last week we learnt about How to say congratulate to other if you find someone get success or win the competition.

Silakan untuk klik link dibawah ini untuk mengetahui nilai kamu pada Quiz minggu lalu:
Raport Quiz 1 All Students

Apakah kalian sudah cukup paham dengan materi kita sebelumnya? Apabila kalian menemukan kesulitan dan ingin bertanya, silakan kalian tanyakan di kolom kommentar dibawah ini ya.

Baiklah, hari ini Mrs akan menjelaskan tentang "Cara menyampaikan pujian kepada orang lain" or in english is "How to add praise when congratulate other"
Untuk lebih jelasnya marilah disimak contoh berikut ini:
Dari dialog diatas, pada kalimat "You are a big boy now. I'm proud of you." merupakan kalimat pujian dan harapan.
Selanjutnya coba perhatikan contoh yang lain dibawah ini:
 Pada dialog diatas, kalimat Edo "You run like a panther. I'm sure you will win the race." merupakan salah satu contoh kalimat pujian dan harapan Edo kepada Beni agar Beni menang dalam lomba lari yang akan diikutinya.

Ternyata untuk memberikan pujian dan selamat itu gampang banget kan???
Now, lets see the situation below:

 Pada situasi diatas dapat kita ketahui bersama bahwa Siti membuat kerajinan tangan dari daun pandan yang akan diikutkan serta dalam perlombaan nasional dan Beni mencoba menyemangati dengan memberi pujian.

Well my lovely students..thats all the material for today. Before we end our online class, I have one Quiz for you. 
You have to answer the situation below and send your answer into Comment Box bellow with the format:
Name: ........................
Class: ......................... 
Answer: .....................

Here the video about our material today. Check this out! Don't forget to subscribe the channel, give us like and comment:

Thank you for your attention today. Keep your healthy and safety. Wash your hand and don't go outside if it isn't important.
If you have and problem or question, you can write that on the comment column below.
 See you next time.

Let say hamdalah together. Alhamdulillah hirobbil alamin..

Rabu, 15 Juli 2020

English Nine Grade - Chapter 1 - Congratulate Someone

Hallo my students. Hopfully you are in a good condition and happy situations. Well students, before we start our lesson today please read this rule carefully.

In 9th grade for English Subject we will learn so much things. Because the Pandemic COVID - 19 still happen in around the world, we should handle online learning for now. Don't worry students, here I will give you some Rule for Online Learning English Subject:
    1. Do presence in the comments column by filling Your Full Name and Class.
    2. Read all the materials presented in the post.
    3. Do all the task is avaliable in the post well.
    4. Be happy and healthy everytime

    So for today, we will learn about:

Congratulate Someone

There is a lot of ways to give other Congratulate of their success. This is some example of that:
  • Congratulations! (Selamat!)
  • Well done! (Kerja yang bagus!)
  • Congrats! (Selamat! Bentuk ini informal)
  • Cheers!  (Bersulang!)
  • To your health! (Semoga sehat selalu! (biasa diucapkan sambil bersulang))
  • All the best… (Semua yang terbaik…)
  • Best wishes… (Harapan yang terbaik…)
  • My heartiest congratulations! (Selamat dari lubuk hati terdalam!)
  • Let me offer you my congratulations. (Biar saya memberikan ucapan selamat pada Anda)
  • Congratulations! You deserve it! (Selamat! Anda pantas mendapatkannya!)
  • I was delighted to hear about it. (Saya senang sekali mendengarnya)
  • Splendid! You must be very pleased. (Luar biasa! Anda pasti sangat senang)
  • I couldn’t have been more pleased! (Saya senang sekali!)
  • I would like to congratulate you. You’ve done a fine job! (Saya ingin memberi selamat. Anda bekerja dengan baik!)
  • That was excellent. Congratulations! (Itu tadi luar biasa. Selamat!)
  • You deserve all the luck in the world! (Anda pantas mendapatkan semua keberuntungan di dunia!)

And now, this is your part to do the task. Here is the task:

After you read the material, I have the video about that and also the task. You have to do the task. Send your answer into our Whatsapp Group. Submited before Juli 17, 2020 at 12.00 PM. With the format:
Format answer:

Here is the video:

Senin, 13 Juli 2020

Prakarya - BAB 1 - Kelas 9 - Kerajinan Bahan Keras

Indonesia kaya akan budaya, benda-benda kerajinan sebagai hasil budaya daerah dapat menjadi alat untuk memperkenalkan keragaman budaya Nusantara. Daya tarik dari benda kerajinan setiap daerah ini memiliki corak dan bentuk yang berbeda-beda dan memiliki ciri khas, sehingga kita dapat mengenal suatu daerah di tanah air melalui benda kerajinannya.

Yuk simak video berikut ini untuk lebih tahu dan bangga dengan Kerajinan Tangan Indonesia Yang Mendunia!
Pada kelas IX in kamu akan mempelajari produk kerajinan bahan keras alam dan buatan.

  • Bahan alam adalah bahan yang berasal dari kekayaan alam yang ada di daratan maupun lautan. Sifatnya pejal, solid, kuat, padat dan tidak mudah berubah bentuk. Contohnya adalah Rotan, Kayu, Bambu, Cangkang Kerang, Cangkang telur, dan lain sebagainya.
  • Bahan keras buatan adalah bahan untuk karya kerajinan yang diolah dan dicampur dengan bahan tertentu sehingga menjadi keras dan memiliki sifat kuat dan tahan lama. Contohnya adalah Kaleng, Kaca, dan sebagainya.
Untuk mendownload eBook Prakarya kelas 9 kalian bisa klik tautan dibawah ini ya anak anak..

Ragam hias adalah karya seni yang menggabungkan beberapa motif hias dengan dibentuk teknik tertentu dan dibuat sebuah pola. Teknik Ragam Hias dalam membuat kerajinan baik dari bahan keras alam maupun bahan keras buatan dapat dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) yaitu: Teknik Ukir, Teknik Cor, dan Teknik Pengecatan. 
Simak video berikut ini untuk lebih jelasnya yaaa

Nah, setelah kalian memahami 3 teknik tersebut, sekarang saatnya kalian untuk mencobanya! Perhatikan baik-baik dan kerjakan instruksi dibawah ini!

Agar kamu mendapat sebuah inspirasi untuk mengerjakan tugas tersebut, Mrs Rufi sertakan video contoh menggambar Pola Ragam Hias Flora berikut ini!

Selamat belajar dari rumah. Tetap berkarya dan patuhi protokol kesehatan yang berlaku saat ini!
Untuk presensi (cek kehadiran) silakan kalian untuk mengisi kolom komentar dibawah ini dengan format sebagai berikut:

  • Nama - Kelas - (Pertanyaan bila ada)
  • Contoh: Sri wulandari - Kelas 9H - Apakah perbedaan antara ragam hias flora dan fauna Mrs? 

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2020

English 8th Grade - Chapter 1

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Hallo students, first of all lets thanks to Allah because we can meet again today. Second, congratulation for your success passing 7th grade with the good score.

In 8th grade for English Subject we will learn so much things. Because the Pandemic COVID - 19 still happen in around the world, we should handle online learning for now. Don't worry students, here I will give you some Rule for Online Learning English Subject:
  1. Do presence in the comments column by filling Your Full Name and Class.
  2. Read all the materials presented in the post.
  3. Do all the task is avaliable in the post well.
  4. Be happy and healthy everytime

So for today, we will learn about:

In the first chapter I want you to introduce your self and answer some questions by sending me your Voice Note into my Whatsapp number. By answering my question bellow:
  1. What is your name?
  2. What do you think of Online Learning?
  3. What do you think of COVID-19?
Please answer that 3 questions using English.
Here is my WhatsApp Number: 089685508485

Send your answer until July 15, 2020

To answer the question, you can watch the video bellow to get the examples:

Squad, now you understand how to express opinions, both weak and strong opinions in English? The example sentences above can be varied according to your needs, Squad. Keep on learning, yes!!

See you next week!

Chapter 2 - We can do it! We will do it! - English For Eight

 Assalamualaikum my students. Come back again with me in English Online Class. After reading your reflection about Chapter One, I make the s...