Senin, 20 Juli 2020

How to add praise when congratulate other

Hallo students, how are you today? Hopfully all of you in the good condition and healthy. Today we still learn from home, so you have to keep healthy, take a bath, and eat the healty food.

Before we start our lesson today lets say Basmallah together.
بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Students, last week we learnt about How to say congratulate to other if you find someone get success or win the competition.

Silakan untuk klik link dibawah ini untuk mengetahui nilai kamu pada Quiz minggu lalu:
Raport Quiz 1 All Students

Apakah kalian sudah cukup paham dengan materi kita sebelumnya? Apabila kalian menemukan kesulitan dan ingin bertanya, silakan kalian tanyakan di kolom kommentar dibawah ini ya.

Baiklah, hari ini Mrs akan menjelaskan tentang "Cara menyampaikan pujian kepada orang lain" or in english is "How to add praise when congratulate other"
Untuk lebih jelasnya marilah disimak contoh berikut ini:
Dari dialog diatas, pada kalimat "You are a big boy now. I'm proud of you." merupakan kalimat pujian dan harapan.
Selanjutnya coba perhatikan contoh yang lain dibawah ini:
 Pada dialog diatas, kalimat Edo "You run like a panther. I'm sure you will win the race." merupakan salah satu contoh kalimat pujian dan harapan Edo kepada Beni agar Beni menang dalam lomba lari yang akan diikutinya.

Ternyata untuk memberikan pujian dan selamat itu gampang banget kan???
Now, lets see the situation below:

 Pada situasi diatas dapat kita ketahui bersama bahwa Siti membuat kerajinan tangan dari daun pandan yang akan diikutkan serta dalam perlombaan nasional dan Beni mencoba menyemangati dengan memberi pujian.

Well my lovely students..thats all the material for today. Before we end our online class, I have one Quiz for you. 
You have to answer the situation below and send your answer into Comment Box bellow with the format:
Name: ........................
Class: ......................... 
Answer: .....................

Here the video about our material today. Check this out! Don't forget to subscribe the channel, give us like and comment:

Thank you for your attention today. Keep your healthy and safety. Wash your hand and don't go outside if it isn't important.
If you have and problem or question, you can write that on the comment column below.
 See you next time.

Let say hamdalah together. Alhamdulillah hirobbil alamin..

19 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Unknown mengatakan...

Name: Nathania Hans R
Class: 9B

Siti: You sing like a real singer
Dayu: Thank you. That's very nice of you

dilaanf mengatakan...

Name: Farah Dila Nur Fatimah
Class :9B

Siti: Wow amazing,your voice is very good like a real singer. I'm sure you will get big applause for that
Dayu: Thank you. That's very nice of you



Siti:wow amazing your voice is very good like a real singer.i proud you

Dayu:thank you.thats very nice of you

Unknown mengatakan...

Name:Khaylla Dhita

Siti:wow,you sound amazing like a real singer. I'm sure you'll get a lot of applause.

Dayu:thank you. That's very nice you

Unknown mengatakan...

Name:Nijwa Aulia Rais

Siti:you sing like a real singer.I'm sure you will get a very big applause

Dayu:thank you.that's very nice of you

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Dwiana Anggi Pertiwi
Class: 9B

Siti :"congratulation yes you sound sing like a real singer"
Bayu.:"Thank you.that's very nice of you"

SweetFood mengatakan...

Name : Mavazya Evelyn Putri
Class :9A
Answer :
siti:"wow your voice sounds so good like a famous singer , i'm sure you'll get a lot of applause"
Dayu : "thank you . That's very nice of you"

Unknown mengatakan...

Name:Riska Aprilia
Siti:"Wow your voice is so good, I'm sure you will get a lot of applause"
Dayu:"Thank you. That's very nice of you".

Unknown mengatakan...

Name: Vellisa Indah Salsabilla
Class: 9C

Siti: "You sing like a real singer.I'm sure you will get a very big applause

Dayu: "Thank you.That's very nice of you

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Fildan Ramaika

Class : 9A

Answer : Siti :"Wow amazing, your voice is very good like a real singer."

revodyantha lifehack mengatakan...

Name : Revo dyantha putra
Class :9B

Answer :Siti : "wow amazing, your voice is so good, im sure you will get alot of applause"
Dayu : "thank you. That's very nice of you"

Unknown mengatakan...

Name: Alvida Dwi Salsabila
Class: 9C

Siti:"You sing like a real singer. I’m sure you will get a very big applause."

Dayu:"Thank you.That's very nice of you"

Unknown mengatakan...

Name:Ferin Zaela Saskia

Siti:"wow, you are like a real singer, your voice is also very beautiful, I'm sure all will definitely give you applause."

Unknown mengatakan...

Name:Indy Aisyah Puspitaningsih

Siti:"You sing like a real singer.I'm
Sure you Will get a very big
Dayu:"thank you.that's very nice of

Unknown mengatakan...

Name :Azmi putri rahmawan
Class :9A

Siti:"Wow your voice sounds so good like a famous singer,i'm sure you will get a lot of applause"
Dayu:"Thank you.That's very nice of you"

Unknown mengatakan...

name : cipta surya ananda
class; 9b

siti : wow you are like an international singer
I am proud of you

dayu: thank you, its very kind of you

Unknown mengatakan...

name: dinara zulfa firda A

Siti:"Wow your voice is so good, I'm sure you will get a lot of applause"

Fera mellistiana mengatakan...

Name: Fera mellistiana
Class: 9B

Siti: You sing like a real singer
Dayu: Thank you. That's very nice of you

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